Why !

Reasons Why I Want to Slow Down and Relax
1.  I enjoy my food more
2.  My body is better able to absorb the nutrients I eat
3.  I feel more trust in myself
4.  I feel more worthy
5.  I feel more beautiful
6.  I feel more calm

Reasons Why I Want to Manage My Weight:

1.  I feel better physically and mentally when I am at my 'happy' weight
2.  I feel better when I have control over my weight rather than giving it to outside factors
3.  I will further reduce the risk of developing full-blown diabetes
4.  I enjoy feeling successful
5.  I will feel sexy again
6.  I will look good in  my beautiful wardrobe
7.  I will be more confident in ALL my endeavors
8.  I will be further along my journey towards a balanced life
9.  I don't need to be ashamed for having gained weight
10. I can be proud of myself

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