Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Taking a Hiatus from

My partner and I had a discussion last night that has me embarking on a great adventure:  weight management without MFD.  For various reasons, he believes my participation in the forums on that site may be unhealthy for me.  He has some valid points - I spend too much time on the site and sometimes get myself all frantic with wanting to try the newest exercise programs or diet approaches being discussed in the forums.  What he doesn't understand is that I  limited my exposure on the site to groups where maintenance and/or fad-free weight management was the focus.  And I've gained much insight from so many of the members there.  It's hard to walk away from that.

So I've decided to call it a hiatus, not leaving.  I recently read about someone going on a 30 Day email detox and I have to admit the idea intrigued and scared me at the same time.  Of course, I extended it out to the entire Internet - not just email usuage.  By the end of the article the author found she was calmer, didn't try to multi-task so much and was still just as, if not  more, productive.  Food for thought.

Perhaps reading that article and then having the hard discussion with my partner last night was the impetus I needed to try my own form of detox: hiatus from MFD.

What will I miss?  The ease of logging my food. MFD truly has the best program for that.  But if I am honest with myself, I know that on a daily basis, I average about 1500 calories a day.  Some days are closer to 1200 and some days spike up to over 2000 (those are rare days).  Do I need to log my food every day?  I've already stopped logging my exercise calories.  

So, that leaves the interaction of the Forums.  I've already limited it to just a few threads/groups.  But I feel I've had tremendous support from the members of those groups.  It is hard to walk away from that.  

Perhaps I've cheated a little.  I left this blog address on MFD and invited people to contact me here.  I'll live with it - because the some of the people I had hoped would contact me have already done so.  Thank you! 

And for the MFD members who have found their way here - thank you so much for your kind words today and all the support you've given  me.  

Enough for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi maura, chiming in as one of your entourage' from mfd.

    30 day email detox? I think I have the vapors!! shut your mouth!

    it's a very interesting thing to consider.

    see you ;-)

  3. oops, my first comment I inadvertantly double-posted. make it a triple!

  4. Hi, Martha! Don't worry. I have no intention of taking a 30 Day E-mail detox. I am thinking, though, about limiting my 'checking email' procrastination practice to twice a day. Thinking about it.

    Speaking of email - if you want to email me directly, click on the view profile link on the blog. There's a link to my email in my profile.

    Thanks for posting!


This blog is inactive. To visit the current blog, go to inspiredbythecreed dot wordpress dot com. Replace the dots with '.' - this old blog is suddenly attracting spammers, but I'm not yet ready to take it down.