Saturday, September 10, 2011

Honoring Myself

I started this self-care list after reading a great newsletter from Christine Inge in which she discusses the importance of putting self-care first.  It was a great reminder.  Then I read a great blog post from Karen Anderson about what the really BIG goals are and I decided that the big goals actually go on my self care list.

Here's the original list.

1)  1 hour each day to journal
2)  1 hour each day to exercise/stretch
3)  Always have good manicures & pedicures
4) Time to defuzz my neck and face 
5) Time to enjoy a cup of tea
6) Monthly Massages
7) Quarterly facials

Here's a revised list  - which I'm changing the name to Honoring Myself

1.  Stay true to myself

Keep my commitments to myself:
Spend time each day just being still
Spend time each day writing/journaling to center myself
Spend time each day taking care of my body with kind movement 

2.  Do things that truly make me smile

Remember I enjoy reading - and make time for it
Remember I enjoy having pretty toes and fingers - take time to make that happen
Remember I enjoy knitting with fine yarn - and save my pennies for it
Remember I enjoy how great it feels after I've played in the dirt - and make time for it

I'll be adding to this list as I learn to honor myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you took the big goals and then listed things that support them!! I plan to do something similar...thank you for the inspiration!


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