Friday, June 18, 2010

Have I finally done it?

I told a friend yesterday that I think I may have finally pulled my head out of my a$$ about my weight gain.   The challenge I gave myself for this week was really good in many ways:

1.  It was DOABLE
3.  The rewards were FUN

And in the process of doing the challenge - I had to major (for me lately) successes: I turned down a homemade chocolate chip cookie and I walked away from the break room when it was filled with leftover goodies including brownies.

It's only a week and it is one day at a time.  And having 6 days behind me, I'm feeling stronger and more willing to apply discipline to my food choices.

The friend I mentioned in the first sentence has successfully lost 80 lbs and has maintained that loss for YEARS.  I never see her struggle with food.  But then, she eats what she wants, cuts back when she needs to and writes down every bite.   She gave me some great advice last Friday - start with the food.  Don't worry about exercise right now - start with the food.  It's 80-90 % of weight management.  She was right.  I was trying to do it all perfectly every day and the result was I was doing nothing at all every day.

My body is missing exercise and I will likely go for a nice walk tomorrow.  If not a walk, then a work out with Leslie Sansone.  But exercise isn't in my weekly challenges yet.  YET.

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