1. Give yourself the gift of more time to eat at each meal. Eat in the sitting position and choose to not answer the phone, read/answer emails (or blogs), or engage in any form of work while you dine.
What are my roadblocks to this?
1. I don't take a lunch hour. I get to work between 7:30 and and 8 AM and work while I eat breakfast and lunch so I can leave at 4 - to miss traffic. I also build up time so I can enjoy 1 lunch hour per week with my hubby.
How can I remove this roadblock? Get to work at 7 AM so I can take a 1/2 hour lunch break. I will get up earlier and be ready to leave the house by 6:30 AM - or if I'm riding to work with D, start working at 6:30 AM.
2. Primary Task: Become a slow eater. Change the focus from what to eat to HOW to eat.
Answer the following questions:
- Do I tend to eat more when feeling anxious? Do I eat less at those times? Does it depend on the situation?
- What kinds of circumstances prompt me to eat this way? Certain times of day? Certain settings? Work? Family?
- Approximately how often do I eat under stress?
- Do I tend to eat certain foods when feeling stressed out? List as many of these foods as I can? Which ones do I eat the most?
- Do I feel full after stressful eating or do I feel hungry? Are there common physical symptoms?
- How much time do I take to eat when feeling stressed? Do I taste my food? Do I chew it or shovel it down?
Think about meals when I've been relaxed while eating. How often does this happen?
3. Exercise: Check in and breathe at every meal - ask these questions before eating
- Am I about to eat under stress?
- Is my mind in high gear?
Take ten slow deep breaths
4. Exercise: Breathe While You Eat - at least three times during a meal, ask myself "How is my breathing" Consciously deepen it with as little effort as possible.
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