Saturday, May 12, 2012

I miss it

I miss my little blog and the random comments.   It's been an interesting 5 months since I've posted.  I made a birthday bucket list and have done pretty much none of it.

I recently read Leo Babauta's  (from Zen Habits) Zen to Done and had a few realizations.  The biggest one was that I set way too many goals for myself.  He suggests one big goal per year.

I decided that the biggest impact goal I could make for myself - and be kind and realistic about it - was to choose to lose 18 lbs (10% ) of my body weight between May and December 17th.

No fads.  No brute force.  Simple little, sustainable changes that I can maintain no matter what life throws at me.  It certainly can be done.

May's change - get back into the habit of planning and preparing most of my food.  And I've discovered some new things lately.  Pinterest for waiting time.  Curvy Yoga (for next month's habit) and Mason Jar Salads - for simplicity and food beauty.  Thanks to Sandrelle for that tip!

I am now starting my weeks with 2-3 nice salads already made.  Breakfast is easy - hard boiled eggs with either refried beans (this will be tweaked to smashed legumes, I think) or hominy.  And dinner is whatever D prepares - watching my portions.  The scales are up and down a bit - but the gain has stopped.  And as I tweak, I expect to see a downward trend.

Spring has helped - I'm craving yummy fresh fruit and vegetables.  I recently made balsamic glazed asparagus and carrots from Summer Tomato.  It was so yummy - I even used the leftovers as part of one of my mason jar salads!

And last weekend I scored the best strawberries ever!

They were small, perfectly ripened and packed with flavor.  I want some more!

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